They locate the source of the mysterious emissions that destroy the ozone layer


This was the hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica in 2000 Source: NASA

In recent months, scientists around the world have been extremely intrigued by a mysterious increase in emissions from the Antarctic. The pollutants they produce radically damage the ozone layer that protects the Earth.

Now the makers have been discovered: the polyurethane foam insulation for domestic use made in China at a discounted price.

The UK-based Environmental Research Agency (EIA), discovered that a chemical compound used in the manufacture of these insulators – and which had been banned in 2010 – is widely used in China : CFC-11 or chlorofluorocarbons-11.

  The ozone layer is formed in the stratosphere about 15 or 30 km above the surface of the Earth
The ozone layer is formed in the stratosphere at about 15 or 30 km from the surface of the Earth [ 1 9659002] Credit: Getty

And the EIA report found that the source of these is the Chinese home-building industry.

Two months ago, researchers published a study that showed the expected decrease in the use of CFC-11, after it was totally banned eight years ago, had considerably slow motion.

The researchers suspected that someone was using the compounds somewhere in East Asia

. rumors, no source was known. Experts feared that the chemical compound is secretly used to enrich uranium with nuclear weapons

It is now known that the source is related to the isolation of houses.

CFC-11 is a highly effective "expansion agent" for polyurethane foam as it helps to develop in the rigid thermal insulation used in homes to reduce the cost of electricity and reduce carbon emissions.

EIA researchers contacted polyurethane foam plants in 10 different Chinese provinces

After having detailed conversations with the leaders of 18 companies, the researchers concluded that the chemical compound was being used Most of the polyurethane insulation that companies produce

The reason is simple: CFC-11 is better and much cheaper than other solutions that can be used

. it is forbidden, the application of the regulations is bad.

"We were totally shocked to find that the companies were very open to confirm that they used the CFC-11 and acknowledged at the same time that it was illegal," said BBC Avipsa Mahapatra. One of the EIA researchers

  The researchers found barrels of chemical compounds containing CFC-11 in China
The researchers found barrels of chemical compounds in China that contained CFC-11 Credit: Getty

"The fact that they were so complacent about it, the fact that they openly told us the widespread use in the market, It was a shocking discovery for us. "

The EIA calculates that the amount of gas used in China is in the middle of the emissions scale calculated by scientists in its May report.

Although the EIA results seem plausible, experts say it's hard to pretend that they are definitive.

Stephen Montzka of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa) told the BBC: "The widespread use of CFC-11 that seems to be apparent in China, based on the 39; study (EIA), is quite surprising. "

"Although for me it is difficult to badyze the accuracy of the calculation of emissions that they make known if it is really likely that this activity can explain all or almost everything we observe. in the global atmosphere. "

So why is discovery important?

That counts because of the huge amount of illegal chemicals that To measure the layer, scientists collect samples of ozone air in the Arctic ” style=””/>

To measure the layer, scientists collect air samples from the ozone layer. ozone on the Arctic Source: Alamy

China's polyurethane foam accounts for nearly a third of global production, so if it uses this substance that damages the # Ozone will be reversed. or a decade or more in order to close the hole in the diaper.

What can be done?

Because China is a signatory to the Montreal Protocol, which regulates the use of substances harmful to ozone, it might be possible to establish trade sanctions against it.

But since the signing of the protocol in 1987, this weapon The last resort has never been used and should not be used in this case.

It is highly likely that China will be encouraged to reduce CFC-11 production and launch an investigation with the support of the Protocol Secretariat. of Montreal

This week Protocol delegates will meet in Vienna and try to implement a plan to solve the problem

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