They locate the source of the mysterious emissions that destroy the ozone layer


This was the hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica in the year 2000.

In recent months, scientists from around the world have been extremely intrigued by a mysterious increase in the emissions of gaseous pollutants that have radically damaged the layer of ozone that protects the Earth.

Discovery: Polyurethane foam insulation for domestic use produced in China at a reduced price.

The UK-based Environmental Research Agency (EIA) discovered that a chemical compound is used in the manufacture of these insulators – and was banned in 2010 – it is widely used in China: CFC-11 or chlorofluorocarbons-11

Two months ago, researchers published a study that showed the expected decrease in the use of CFC-11, after which it was totally banned there are eight years, he had slowed down drastically.

Experts feared that the chemical compound would be used secretly to enrich uranium with nuclear weapons. We now know that the source is related to the insulation of homes

"Expanding agent"

CFC-11 is a highly effective "blowing agent" for polyurethane foam as it helps to expand by doing the insulation. the rigid thermals used in homes to reduce the cost of electricity and reduce carbon emissions.

EIA researchers contacted polyurethane foam plants in 10 different Chinese provinces

. In in-depth conversations with the leaders of 18 companies, the researchers concluded that the chemical compound was used in most of the polyurethane insulation that companies produce.

The reason is simple: CFC-11s are better and much cheaper than alternatives that can be used.

The EIA calculates that the amount of gas used in China lies in the middle of the emissions scale calculated by scientists in its May report

However, although that the results of the EIA seem plausible, Experts say that it is difficult to claim that they are definitive

What can be done?

Because China is a signatory to the Montreal Protocol that regulates the use of ozone depleting substances, it may be possible to establish trade sanctions.

But since the protocol was signed in 1987, this weapon of last resort has never been used and should not be used in this case.

Probably that China be encouraged to decrease the production of CFC-11 and to launch an investigation with the support of the Secretariat of the Montreal Protocol.

Source: BBC World



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