In a rural town in the United States, they found malnourished children locked in a dog cage. In addition, they were covered with faeces.
The United States is shocked by a shocking case of child abuse and mistreatment. This occurred in the rural area of northern Texas, after finding malnourished children and cage of dogs.
The outlandish discovery was known thanks to a domestic violence complaint filed against Paige Harkins and Andrew Fabila, and it was at that point that the police arrived at the couple's home.
When the troops entered the house, they went to one of the hangars that were next to the house and discovered a terrible scene: two children of 4 and 5 years were locked up in deplorable conditions. in a dog cage. The children were totally malnourished, covered with faeces and with a physical texture well below normal.
Sheriff Craig Johnson said: "When you find them in the state in which they were discovered today, covered with fecal matter, with no available food or neat products, it is unacceptable.".
In the house were also two children aged 1 and 3, suffering from the same state of malnutrition. In addition, inside the shed where they found the first 2 boys, there was a refrigerator filled with food, but blocked by ropes, so that they could not open it .
By the time the children were found, all the children were hungry and thirsty, so they were fed when the situation returned to normal. The couple, both 24, were arrested.
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