They managed to separate some Siamese who were joined by the liver and intestines


The girls were operated for 14 hours at the Rebro hospital in Zagreb, capital of Croatia, where doctors managed to give them their independence, the site said. Week of Croatia.

"Today the twins weigh about 3.6 pounds each and behave like any other baby I think that they will soon be ready to go home, "explained Dr. Ruža Grizelj, a member of the team of 14 doctors who led Valentina and Kristina.

The girls were born prematurely at 33 weeks of gestation and "they had a double transfusion syndrome"As Grizelj explains, in addition to being united by the abdomen, they shared not only the liver but also the small intestine, the site said. L & # 39; vanguard.

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One of the twins was suffering from hypotension and could not urinate, the other was overworked and was suffering from hypertension. His kidneys and heart were exposed to excessive work. Between the two weighed 4.5 kg at the time of the operation.

"This is the second case in the world of separation of Siamese twins in such a complex clinical situation, and the first one in which both children survived", The hospital director, Ante Corusic, said Wednesday at a press conference in Zagreb.

After overcoming the most delicate operation, girls will face minor surgery (in proportion to what happened) before being released.


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