They massacred a woman and her four children: they accused them of witchcraft | Chronic


The crime was committed on the night of January 25 in a village in the state of Odisha, where five men, all of the same family, accompanied by a healer, broke into the house. House of Mangri Mundaand they killed her with agricultural tools and her four children aged 1 to 12 years and then dumped their bodies in a well, said the police inspector. Sushant Dash.

The main accused is Budhram Munda, who calls himself "wizard", who suspects Mangri of throwing "spells" against the family of Debra Munda, causing, according to the healer, a prolonged illness among Debra's relatives and having cost the lives of his two daughters.

"Budhram told Debra that Mangri and her children were the wizards responsible for diseases", the police inspector reported. The six arrested confessed to committing this atrocious crime, but Dash said that in the "next few days", two or three other people involved in the case could be arrested, according to the site.

In some rural areas of India, people considered witches are often the target of badaults or murders. The crimes related to alleged witchcraft in Odisha and other states of this country are increasing, although there is a law prohibiting the "witch hunt". In 2017, only 99 cases were recorded in Odisha, compared with 83 cases recorded a year earlier and 58 cases in 2015.


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