They met on a social network, were surprised at how similar they were and turned out to be twin sisters | the Chronicle


Two women from the city of Hena met through the social network Douyin, is the Chinese equivalent of TIC Tac, at the start of this year. They were both in awe of the similar traits they shared, not only in terms of physique, but also in terms of food tastes, birthday, and dress style. Like in the movie “Binoculars”, the two young women turned out to share more than just a connection.

It all started in January 2021 when
Cheng keke A 29-year-old resident of Gongyl town found out through a relative that a woman named Zhang Li lived in another nearby town, who looked very similar to her physically and was a martial arts teacher.

Like Annie and Hallie

As in the movie with Lindsay Lohan, the two women turned out to be twin sisters Separated at birth. But the reason for their separation would not be due to a divorced marriage but to a mother who was not able to stay with the two.

After a month of their first contact, the two Zhang What Cheng executed a video call in which they noticed more similarities like her voice and were surprised because the screen became like a reflection of each other.

Cheng became suspicious of the possibility of royal kinship, After so much insistence in front of her mother, she confirmed that she had been adopted. This revelation led her to make the decision to meet the other girl in March.

For her part, Zhang’s mother also confirmed that she was not his birth mother, but rather a woman who, after giving birth to the twins, found a home for each. Therefore, he was only able to adopt one of them and knew nothing more about the other girl. In Cheng’s case, they stayed with her out of compassion because she had been rejected by two previous families and was premature.

Although in this case the two women did not confirm their parentage by collecting the photos of their separated parents, they resorted to a DNA test and the result was confirmed at the end of April. The analysis was positive and both confirmed twin sisters.

Although Zhang’s mother, for fear of being abandoned by her daughter, initially refused to take the exam, but the two girls ultimately declared that they were not interested in finding a biological family.

“I was really excited when I finally met Zhang Li and I immediately felt close. We have the same canines and moles on our faces. Our voices are similar and we both cover our mouths when we laugh, ”he says. Cheng al medio South China Morning Post.

The sisters met again 29 years later (Courtesy: South China Morning Post).


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