They met through social networks and the first day,


Elaine Caparroz, a 55-year-old businesswoman from the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro, met Vinicio Batista Serra (27) via your Facebook account. For 8 months, they exchanged messages and decided to meet for the first time a few days ago.

The meeting took place in the house of Caparroz, located in Barra de Tijuca, and so began a ordeal that lasted more than four hours.

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Elaine Caparroz

"They had been chatting for eight months on social networks and had friends in common, so she felt comfortable for a meeting, she bought cheese and wine to get her." She was single for a year, she thought it would be an opportunity with someone, "said the brother of the businesswoman.

The same night, Serra threatened her and subjected her to torture for more than four hours. "She was screaming" for God's sake, "but he continued to hit her, biting her, making fun of her, insulting her," he explained.

Alerted by the screaming, the neighbors forced the door and entered the apartment where they found Caparroz unconscious while Serra was trying to escape without success. He was arrested by the police while he was trying to leave the building.

Caparroz is hospitalized and in critical condition. They must undergo reconstructive surgeries because of severe fractures, lung and kidney trauma.

Serra, a law student, is currently on remand and charged with attempted femicide, according to O. Globo.

"Whenever I go and look at her, I do not recognize my sister, he disfigured her completely, she fractured her face: on the nose, on the eyeball, on the face. maxillary, to the teeth, and he may have kidney failure, his arms are full of bites, "concluded the brother.


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