They met via social networks and the first day he hit her, bit her and disfigured her – 02/20/2019


"Soon, it'll be better." The words were spoken, from the hospital bed itself, with the difficulty of knowing who has the face completely disfigured. The speaker is Elaine Caparroz, a 55-year-old businesswoman, badaulted by a law student who violently abused her for nearly four hours in her apartment in Barra de Tijuca, to the west. from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

They had met via Facebook and had a virtual contact for eight months.the family of the victim badured the media. The man was identified as Vinicius Batista Serra and is imprisoned for attempted femicide.

Elaine Caparroz and one of her relatives.

Elaine Caparroz and one of her relatives.

According to the information of the Brazilian newspaper O Globo, Elaine Caparroz must now undergo a complex operation for the reconstruction of his face: they had to give him almost 40 points inside the mouth, not to mention that he lost a tooth following the brutal beatings. In addition, he has a broken nose and bones that revolve around the eyes. Meanwhile, a tomography revealed that he was not suffering from neurological damage.

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However, in addition to fractures "his arms are full of bites and also Pulmonary and renal trauma"The brother of the victim, Rogério Peres Caparroz, badured the media.

When it could have been rebuilt, Caparroz and Batista Serra would have slept when he, in a sort of sudden epidemic, started beating her violently.

The beatings and the bites lasted four hours, said the neighbors, who called the police to constantly listen to the screams and requests for help from the woman.

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Police officers who went to the house found the victim seriously injured, in addition to blood in various parts of the department, said O Globo. Similarly, Batista Serra had his clothes stained with blood.

According to the TN channel, Caparroz and Batista Serra, brothers of the victim, "they had been chatting for eight months on social networks and had friends in common, which is why she felt comfortable for a meeting. to receive and speak, she was single for a year and she thought it would be an opportunity to be with someone. "

Vinicio Batista Serra puncher

Vinicio Batista Serra puncher

Caparroz is admitted to Casa de Portugal Hospital. In a Twitter post, one of his relatives said that he was recovering physically, but that "all that is psychological is in abeyance".



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