“They no longer have the ‘people’ on the stock market”: Loret de Mola’s raw diagnosis of the “failure” of the referendum


“AMLO got away with it,” Loret de Mola said in a Washington Post article. (Illustration: Jovani Pérez / Infobae México)

The popular consultation of the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) did not have the expected result. Only about 8% of voters participated in the exercise. For the authorities, the consultation was a success, but for the Carlos Loret de Mola, journalist critical of the current Mexican administration, this shows that the president and his family “no longer have what they call” the people “on the stock market.

However, the Mexican communicator assured that there is a “false impression” in thinking that this is a decline for the president of Mexico. “If AMLO has shown anything throughout its political history, it is that it never loses popular consultations,” he said.

Consultations the president has made include increasing the metro fare while he was head of government in Mexico City, canceling the New Mexico International Airport (NAIM), approving programs social benefits and the cancellation of a central brewery that would operate in northern Mexico.

As on previous occasions, “AMLO got away with it”, Loret de Mola assured in an article published in the Washington Post.

It was the first consultation in Mexico conducted within the framework of the Constitution. However, the administration of Tabasco he failed to secure the required 37.4 million votes. The rapid tally of the National Electoral Institute (INE) revealed that IThe preliminary turnout was 7.07 and 7.74% at the end of Sunday. According to the director of the institution, Lorenzo Córdova, the votes were well below what was necessary for the result to be binding on the federal legislative and executive powers.

The popular consultation did not reach the binding percentage of votes (Photo: Reuters / José Luis González)
The popular consultation did not reach the binding percentage of votes (Photo: Reuters / José Luis González)

On the other hand, even if the consultation was widely publicized as a mechanism to prosecute five former Mexican presidents, the executive has declared itself against it, arguing that its government will look to the future and not to the past. Even when he himself proposed the exercise for these purposes.

The Mexican journalist assures that the figures of the former presidents have been of great use to López Obrador, since “You can blame them for all your inability to rule.”. He also considered that it is not clear if there are plans to “open the prison door” to the five former presidents considering that “after what has happened in these three years, in 2024 his term ends he could be a strong candidate to enter through that same door ”.

President López Obrador came to power with an overwhelming voice difference, his approval has also remained very high since coming to power. However, “After three years in office, with very poor results, citizens are no longer prepared to accompany the caudillo in its follies ”, assures the journalist, who has established himself as one of the most assiduous critics of the current administration.

The consultation was mainly promoted by the president’s party, Movimiento Regeneración Nacional (Morena), which, like the INE, called the exercise a “successful” experience. Above all, they pointed out that “The people’s cry for justice has gone far beyond the NO”, which implies from his point of view that “a new stage against impunity in the country begins”.


The collapse of the popular consultation: only about 8% of voters voted, but an overwhelming “yes” won
The three reasons which made the popular consultation a “successful experience”, according to INE
Minute by minute of the popular consultation: more than 89% answered “Yes”, according to the rapid count of the INE

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