They offer 19 thousand dollars for spending 60 days in bed – 26/03/2019


The offer is tempting and the national context in which the dollar has more value makes it even more attractive. It's just that you have to lie down, you do not have to run, you do not have to train, you do not have to eat until you explode, you have nothing to do but spend 60 days while lying down. In exchange: $ 19,000, which at present value ($ 43), would represent about 800,000 pesos. All without doing anything at all. Interesting, no?

This stems from the need of NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA, for its acronym in English) study the changes that the body of an astronaut undergoes in space, where the lack of severity would be comparable to spending the whole day in bed.

The study by NASA and the European Space Agency paid $ 19,000 for lying.

The study by NASA and the European Space Agency paid $ 19,000 for lying.

That's why they are ask for 24 volunteers They can stay in bed for nearly two months, noting that participants will receive a hefty price of about $ 19,000 for their collaboration, as reported on BGR's technology site.

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The study seeks to simulate the experience of gravity for the human body. (Photo: AP)

The study seeks to simulate the experience of gravity for the human body. (Photo: AP)

The experiment will take place in Germany and aims to understand how space travel affects the human body be able to test the potential benefits of artificial gravity in long-distance space missions.

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"Join the bed rest study now! For a better life," is the official page of the program. He continues: "On behalf of NASA and ESA, the German Aerospace Center (DLR) is studying how the body is changing weightlessness.Here on Earth, bed rest simulates this state, we are looking for people to participate a rest study in bed from September to December 2019 in Cologne and spend 60 days lying down. "

"It studies how the body changes in weightlessness," explain the space agencies.

Of course, this task that at first seems very simple it can become tedious and difficult to complete. Taking into account that during all this time, one can not take off the shoulders of the stretcher.

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The two dozen volunteers will be tested in two groups: first, they will start with 15 days of acclimatization, then they will go to 60 days of Absolute rest where they can not get up at all and there should always be at least one shoulder in contact with the surface.

Volunteers will start with 15 days of acclimatization and then move on to 60 days of absolute rest.

Volunteers will start with 15 days of acclimatization and then move on to 60 days of absolute rest.

Regarding the bed in which each volunteer must stay, he will be slightly inclined so that the legs are higher than the head and then improve the circulation.

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In addition, it is mentioned that, occasionally, participants will be driven to a centrifuge so that the blood returns to the feet when simulating the effects of gravity.

The team at the origin of the project will conduct a thorough selection process to locate the best candidates for your experience. (NASA)

The team at the origin of the project will conduct a thorough selection process to locate the best candidates for your experience. (NASA)

Of course, those who enroll in the program must have certain requirements such as: do not smoke, measure between 1.53 and 1.90 and be in a certain age range. The team at the origin of the project will conduct a thorough selection process to locate the best candidates for your experience.

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As indicated on the recruitment site, the experience will take place between September and December of this year.


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