They offer “anal swabs” for employees who refuse to be vaccinated against Covid | the Chronicle


In the midst of a debate around the return to presence in Cordoba, after a group of justice officials refused to be vaccinated against the Covid or regularly present PCR, infectious disease specialist Hugo Pizzi proposed to impose as alternatives the “anal hyssop”, which burst into China several months ago due to its high efficiency in detecting the Sars-Cov-2 virus.

The Chinese have long used, due to the biological characteristic of the virus found in the anus, the anal sample. Then they could go for the anal swab which is just as effective and maybe even more effective than the nasal swab.», Explained the specialist.

And I add: “Faced with a tragic situation like the one we are living in where we have lost 112,000 citizens, having an attitude of this type is delayed, basically with totally fragile arguments that do not respond to any type of global epidemic like this.“.

In this sense, he stressed the importance of being immunized against Covid and of continuing with care and of avoiding relaxing despite the drop in cases across the country. “I invite people to realize that the only way to overcome this situation is with two doses of vaccine and to continue with absolute and strict compliance with all health measures. Otherwise, we will continue to have problems”, a- he closed.

Why do you choose the anal swab against Covid over the classic?

Quoted by Global Times, the director of the Clinical Center for Public Health at Fudan University (Shanghai), Lu Hongzhou, assured that Covid anal tests are “more stable and precise“than the nose and throat, where it is more likely to take unusable samples or give erroneous results.

According to Chinese scientists, the coronavirus disappears more quickly in these types of swabs than in anal swabs, which would mean that the latter would be more suitable for asymptomatic carriers or those whose respiratory symptoms have regressed. However, Lu clarified that anal “testing” is not applicable to the massive testing that takes place in Chinese cities as soon as certain cases are detected.

After having carried out the anal sample against the Covid, do the Chinese come out like “penguins”?

After Chinese quarantine centers began using anal swabs to test “to detect cases of coronavirus, a video started circulating in which citizens are seen walking with difficulty.”

According to official instructions, the anal swab should be inserted three to five centimeters (1.2 to 2 inches) into the patient’s rectum and rotated several times to collect the sample. The test is supposed to be performed by a medical worker and takes about 10 seconds.

The video in question purports to show Chinese citizens walking on stiff legs with their arms slightly apart as they leave a hospital. He’s had millions of views.

Authorities in the People’s Republic of China had to clarify on Monday February 1, 2020 that the anal swab, a new test which began to be used to detect the coronavirus in Asia, does not cause any discomfort and that it was a video of dubious origin. .


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