They offer electric buses for transport in the city


If the capital of Córdoba replaced the urban transport bus fleet with electric cars, carbon dioxide emissions from the entire fleet would be reduced to 50%.

This is the first conclusion drawn from a study conducted by a group of specialists from the Provincial Energy Corporation of Córdoba (Epec), presented in Brazil as part of the IV Ciertec 2019, Congress on the use of energy . .

The research – entitled "Establishment of electric buses in the urban pbadenger transport system of Córdoba" – got the third place in the theme of electric mobility and corridors, with contributions of alternative proposals to cars current.

The study has already attracted the attention of the transport companies of the capital. In the next few weeks, they could contact Epec to know how this type of vehicle works, which does not cause contamination.

From the energy company of the province, they stressed that if the city wanted to implement this system, used in Santiago de Chile and in part of the city of Mendoza, it would be better to set up a trial period with two units per line. then gradually transform the fleet.

The event where the Cordoba specialists received this distinction was organized by the Brazilian Committee for Regional Energy Integration in São Paulo and is part of the annual activities of the Regional Commission for Energy Integration.


In this context, the work carried out by Hugo Di Tofino and Rodrigo Iglesias, from the Strategic Planning and Management Control Management department, was designed according to the characteristics of the city of Córdoba.

As a result, data on local transport, kilometers traveled by a car, circulating units and the cost of replacing electric vehicles have been reduced.

The study also examined the environmental impact. Therefore, it was concluded that "if all the Córdoba groups were replaced, more than 50% of the carbon dioxide released, or 68,000 tonnes per year, would be reduced," the provincial government said.

"A diesel collective under optimal mechanical conditions releases 1.2 kg of carbon dioxide in one kilometer. On the other hand, an electrical system does not release gas and does not generate pollution directly, "said the work.

It has even been said that "the replacement of all units would mean for the Epec a 2% increase in turnover, and an increase of 83 gigawatts per hour".

Printed edition

The original text of this article was published on 08/10/2019 in our print edition.


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