They offer two thousand dollars to sleep in a 5 star hotel: what are the requirements


“We are looking for a successful candidate to help us learn more about the influence of environmental factors on sleep quality. The chosen candidate You will spend five nights sleeping in different environments activated by our team, including one night in a 5 star luxury hotel“, reads the ad.

The selected must perform a written where you describe your “dream experience”. You will also be asked to rate the environment on a scale of 1 to 10. Sleep standards will adjust environmental factors to improve sleep quality. In return, the organizers will pay the participant $ 2000, plus all expenses related to the transfer and location.

The interested person has until March 30 to apply, fill out a form with their data and attach a photo, a video in which they explain why they are the best candidate for the position and add their profile on social networks.

However, you must be 18 or over and live in the United States. For more information, you can go to and register.

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