They operate piba and take 1 kg and a half of stomach jewelry | Chronic


A team of doctors has extracted 1.5 kg of jewelry and coins in the stomach of a woman from the city of Rampurhat, India.

To perform this risky operation to the 22-year-old woman, identified as Runi Bhatun, the specialists took about an hour.

according to Siddhartha Biswas, head of the hospital surgery department, they found total in the girl's stomach: 69 chains, 80 ear curls, 46 coins, 8 medallions, 11 rings nasal, 4 keys, 5 anklets and a wristwatch.

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While they were mostly pieces of copper and brbad, they also found gold. The mother of the young woman said that the jewelry had begun to disappear with suspicion, but when they questioned Khatun, she cried.

"My daughter has mental problems and in recent days she vomited after every meal." the woman added.

In fact, when Runi was alone in her brother's jewelry, "He swallowed jewels and coins every time he was hungry." This was confirmed by a doctor who was part of the surgery team and who spoke with Khatun.

The deputy director of the hospital, Sharmila Moulik, informed that the patient was stable and that, because of her condition, she had been sent back to psychiatry.

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Family members reported that the patient was not doing well in the last two months and that before going to the public hospital, they had visited several private centers without getting any answers or answers. # 39; improvement.


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