They operated the Argentine tourist who suffered a stroke in Miami and they will transport her in a medical plane


The Argentine tourist suffered a stroke in the American city of Florida, and whose request for economic aid circulated in social networks since he accumulated a $ 400,000 debt at the local hospital will be transferred in a medical plane in Argentina. The doctors at this health center operated twice and recommended that he return home.

Eleonora Rut Kaplan was hospitalized on March 4 at Bayfront Hospital in the city of St. Petersburg, 450 km from Miami, after being a victim of a VCA. Foreign Ministry sources expect the flight to take place on Wednesday. The Argentine tourist was in Florida with her partner since Friday, March 1st.

As reported to Telam According to Miami consular sources, the woman has taken out health insurance from Universal Assistance (UA), which confirmed that she "is in charge of the case". for 150 thousand dollars, value that has covered your policy ".

One of the woman's sons confirmed to the newspaper Clarin that she "is stable" and that she was operated twice. "Interventions were recommended by the hospital doctors, they said that it would be possible to make a transfer and have recommended it, "he said.

The woman was vacationing in the United States with her husband, but on the second day of the trip she had a hemorrhagic stroke and had to be hospitalized urgently. The debt that he has with the clinic is 400 thousand dollars, with a hospitalization cost of $ 10,000 a day.

The family's situation began to ask for help through social networks and the case became viral.

Account Information

Recipient: Eleonora Rut Kaplan. CUIL / COOK: 27137741186.

Account in pesos n ° 5202167 CBU: 0140018203401852021671.

Account in dollars No. 5030498 UBC: 0140018203401850304985.

For transfers from abroad, a quick code: PRBAARBA.


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