They operated with a thumb fracture and, mistakenly, they replaced it with a toe.


An incredible mistake can forever ruin the sporting career of a 17-year-old Australian woman who, after fracturing her thumb, underwent surgery in which by mistake, they replaced it with a toe.

Britney Thomas is a professional cricket player in Australia and during a match He suffered an injury that became a nightmare.

The girl operated on her left hand at the Latorbe Regional Hospital, a process that resulted in a near-elbow cast to immobilize the finger.

But after almost a week, Britney still suffered a lot and was seen in another clinic, where during plaster removal they discovered that after the operation, they had not removed a tourniquet that was cutting off his bloodSo the finger was purple and almost dead.

"It was very dark, it seemed very dead, the skin was disgusting," said Leanne Keating, the girl's mother.

In trying to save his finger, the doctors applied leeches so the blood would be pumped again. They even sewed her thumb to the groin for six weeks to restore blood flow and make it work as well as the nerves and arteries. But nothing helped.

The tourniquet cut off the circulation on the finger. (Photo: Four corners)
The tourniquet cut off the circulation on the finger. (Photo: Four corners)

The doctors were forced to amputate the desperate thumb of Britney, and instead, they put the big toe.

"People ask me," Why do you have your thumb so weird? "And I tell him:" Because it's not my thumb, it's my toe, "says Britney.

For this intervention, specialists they had to create a new finger with the bone of their hip and their skinand although it was a success, the girl can not bend the thumb.

So was Britney's new finger. (Photo: Four corners)
So was Britney's new finger. (Photo: Four corners)

The worst of the situation is that so many visits to the doctor made him miss several days of school. he had to give up his studies.

The Latorbe Regional Hospital opened an investigation into what happened and discovered that those who had participated in the surgery they noted that they had removed the withers while they were not there. In this regard, the director of the institution, Peter Craighead, is excused for this act of negligence, which he described as "devastating".


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