They order to release Temer for the second time | Chronic


The Superior Court of Justice of Brazil, the third criminal court, decided on Tuesday unanimously and cautiously to release the former president Michel Temer, arrested on Thursday in a corruption investigation.

The decision was made by the four members of the STJ's sixth chamber, the court of appeal in the third instance. It's the second time that Temer gets the freedom after being arrested.

The former president, who ruled between 2016 and 2018, must be released, that is, he can not get in touch with other defendants, he will have to surrender his pbadport and put goods at the disposal of the judicial system.

The measure also reaches the old police Joao LimaWhich, according to the prosecution, is a leading man who used his signature for forty years to divert money from contracts with the former president.

The judges said that the alleged crimes related to a contract with the Angra 3 nuclear power plant had been committed between 2011 and 2015, so that it is not necessary to resort to pre-trial detention, which is dictated when there is a risk of leakage or hindrance to the investigation.

"There is no other way to clean Brazil of corruption but this fight can not be a witch hunt with torches in the hands looking for the culprit without respecting the guarantee established since centuries"says the judge Laurita Vaz in your vote.

With the decision of the hearing room, Temer (who was arrested last Thursday) and Lima will remain free until the plenum of the Superior Court of Justice meets to badess the habeas corpus .

I also read: The former president Temer arrested for his case Lava Jato

The prosecution accuses the head of the Brazilian Democracy Movement (MDB) for leading for four decades a criminal organization that, in this particular case, had embezzled from the money a contract of the public company Eletronuclear.

The charge is corruption, money laundering and embezzlement and is based on an arbitral award. Jose Antunes Sobrinho, partner of Engevix construction company.

The case is the responsibility of the judge Marcelo Bretas, of Rio de Janeiro, which leads to causes related to the operation Lava Jato.


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