They ordered to re-arrest Michel Temer | Chronic


A federal regional court in Brazil on Wednesday revoked the habeas corpus granted to the former president Michel Temer and the colonel Joao Baptista Lima Filhowhich means that they will be arrested again, a little more than a month after their release.

A few weeks ago, the federal public prosecutor's office in Rio de Janeiro appealed for the release of Temer and other detainees as part of the "Decontamination" operation, an advantage granted by a judge who considered the judge of origin Marcelo Bretas, used illegal tools to order arrests.

By two votes to one, the Federal Regional Court 2 decided to accept the arguments of the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office of Rio de Janeiro, but not for all the accused. The court decided to maintain the appeal for the former minister and former governor of Rio Wellington Moreira Franco and five other defendants, for whom they can remain free, reported the news portal G1, of the chain Globo.

According to the judge Bretas, there is enough suspicion to believe that Temer, former minister Moreira Franco and twelve other people have benefited from the millionaire deviations recorded in the state-owned company Eletronuclear.

At the same time, the Sao Paulo public prosecutor's office has filed a new corruption complaint against Temer, which has already initiated five legal proceedings and is investigating another five.

This last request is related to a reform that was made in a house of Maristela Temer, told the public prosecutor one of the daughters of the former president for whom the former president would have used bribery money.

Temer came to the Brazilian presidency in May 2016 to replace Dilma Rousseff, who was removed from office in a highly controversial political trial under the head of tax irregularities.

The former president was arrested on 21 March on charges of corruption and spent only four days in prison until his release.


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