They ordered to reconnect Vincent Lambert, 12 hours after starting the protocol of "dignified death"


Doctors will keep Vincent Lambert alive, the French nurse who is in the vegetative state for more than a decade and that he had stopped receiving hydration and feeding at the request of his wife and five of his brothers. The measure was ordered by the justice of the peace following an appeal by his parents, who do not agree to say that his son is disconnected.

On Monday, Lambert's medical chief of health, Vincent Sanchez, confirmed that the patient would remain under controlled, deep and continuous sedation until the moment of his death. However, 12 hours after the so-called end of life protocol, the Paris Court of Appeal has ruled in favor of the continuation of medical badistance.

According to the decision of the court, doctors must respect a request made on May 3 by the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to the French government. So, the euthanasia of the patient should be avoided until the case can be examined more carefully.

From left to right, Pierre and Viviane Lambert, Vincent's parents (Source: AP).
From left to right, Pierre and Viviane Lambert, Vincent's parents (Source: AP).

In 2008, a traffic accident left the quadriplegic nurse in a vegetative state. Since then, his wife and five of his brothers have wisely fought to disconnect him. According to them, that's what the 42-year-old man would have liked. However, his parents have always opposed this.

After the doctors announced Lambert's disconnection, his parents' lawyer, Jean Paillot, appealed again to the Paris court to try to reverse the process. In just a few hours, his affirmation and that of his clients have traveled the world and even reached the ears of Pope Francis, who spoke on Twitter. "We pray for those who live in a state of grave illness, let us always keep life, the gift of God, from the beginning to the natural end, do not give in to the culture of the discard," he writes.

We pray for those who live in a state of serious illness. Let us always keep alive, the gift of God, from the beginning to the natural end. Do not give in to the culture of rejection.

– Pope Francisco (@Pontifex_es) May 20, 2019

Although euthanasia is illegal in France, a law was pbaded in 2016 that grants patients with terminal illnesses the right to submit to deep sedation and continues until their death. For six years and against the wishes of his wife and his legal guardian, his parents managed to escape this possibility and expressed the wish to continue doing so in the future.


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