They paid 300 thousand pesos for a rubber duck, made by an artist


The rubber duck decorating the sea lion was used to inaugurate the Mar del Plata Film Festival and cost thousands of pesos

In November of last year a duck in rubber was placed ] giant on one of the wolves that traditionally decorate the city of Mar del Plata, for the inauguration of the Film Festival of this city.

How much did the Duckling cost to take the National Institute of Cinema and Visual Arts (INCAA)? Nothing more nor less than 300 thousand pesos. In total, the duck was on the wolf less than 10 days, from 11/17 to 11/26, and it was not inflatable but material.

On the official website they explained that what was wanted was to highlight " this icon of the culture of our country, renewing it during the days of the festival and including a structure so that the visitors can save photos . "

What did the INCAA say? consulted by TN? " It was a good price, a market price and even a low price ", they said

Source: Clarín

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