They pierced his head with an iron bar in an animated discussion | Chronic


The young Miguel Saucedo López, 21, was found with an iron rod over a meter long stuck in his head after having a violent argument with his friend, Aníbal Báez Franco, 29 years old. The victim lost an eye and the attacker was arrested for "homicide attempt ".

Saucedo was to remain on guard until 7 am on Saturday at the gas station Gasur, located in the district of María Auxiliadora in Santa Rosa del Aguaray, Paraguay, but decided to have a drink with his friend Báez during that he was working. .

Around 5 am, a violent dispute broke out between them and Báez hit with an iron bar against the victim's head, which left him embedded in his skull.

Shouts from Saucedo alerted the neighbors, who immediately called the Jaguarete Forest Police. The soldiers transferred the victim to Santa Rosa Hospital, where doctors cut the metal element to remove it, and then referred the patient to the Asunción Hospital Traumatology Hospital. .

The doctor Agustin Saldivar baderted in the middle Extra which is almost a miracle that man has survived. While Saucedo's status is reserved, the doctors reported that he had lost an eye.

Xray of Saucedo.

Jorge Encina, prosecutor intervening, ordered the preventive detention of Báez, who remains at the Commissariat 18 of Santa Rosa de Aguaray, where he was available for the Criminal Court of Guarantees, under the indictment of "intentional homicide attempt". For the prosecutor's representative, there is no doubt that the attacker wanted to kill Saucedo.


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