They postpone the debate on the extinction of dominoes to seek a consensus


The Senate will resume the internal debate in search of an agreement with all the blocks Source: Archive

With the intention of writing a consensus opinion that can not be reversed in the second revision by the Chamber of Deputies, the main political blocks of the Senate have today agreed to postpone for two weeks the treatment in committees of the bill of extinction of the estate.

The agreement came after the alert Cordovan Ernesto Martinez (Change) on the need to amend the draft with a qualified majority that prevents the House from insisting on the version that she approved in June 2016.

"What comes out of the Senate, not to go back to the absurdity or disorder that made MPs, must be at least two-thirds, and if we have three different opinions it will not be the case, "said Martinez, and prompted the rapid empathy of the PJ and the FPV.

Until then, the debate in the Justice and Homeland Security Organizations were heading towards the signing of three decisions, since the projects presented by the ruling party and the PJ had been joined by an initiative introduced by Kirchnerism shortly before the meeting.

focuses on the creation of a process to extinguish the domain, that is to say the property, in favor of the State, of movable or monetary property obtained by committing crimes against public administration or organized crime such as trafficking in persons

The differences between projects are, in some cases cases, important and will require hard work to be unified in one opinion, as claimed by Cordovan Martinez and supported the PJ and the FPV.

the text promoted by the Peronists Rodolfo Urtubey (Salta) and

Miguel Pichetto
(Rio Negro) proposes extinguishing the estate as a civil procedure in the field of criminal jurisdiction, as happens with industrial accidents, in which the damage is claimed with criminal action.

Extinguishment, according to the PJ, would only occur when the defendant would have a trial judgment and that the impulse of the action would be in the hands of the Treasury Attorney

The Change project, meanwhile, establishes the extinguishment of the estate as a criminal parallel civil process, which could get a sentence before there is a criminal conviction. In this initiative, the action is in the hands of the public prosecutor. The proposal presented by Kirchnerism also leaves the action in the hands of prosecutors, but coincides with Peronism in maintaining the process in the criminal jurisdiction. Like its own stamp, the text of the FPV adds new crimes, especially those related to money laundering.

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