They presented a map of Aboriginal languages ​​at the Congress of Aboriginal Languages ​​- Telam


The map of indigenous languages ​​presented this Wednesday at the opening of the Congress of Indigenous Languages ​​at the University Center for Languages ​​(CUI) presents a linguistic diversity present in the territories, showing many more languages ​​than those known and disseminated.

The opening of the congress, which began this Wednesday and ends tomorrow, was entrusted to the popular singer Charo Bogarin, founder of the Tonolec duo, who, after having interpreted several themes in indigenous languages, gave way to the professor's speeches. of Guaraní language and culture Verónica Gómez, the Carmelo Sardina Ullpu tayta, the kolla's lawyer, Angela Jaramillo, and the language teacher, Daniel Huircapan, members of the organizing committee.

Huircapan was responsible for presenting the mapping and stated that the goal was to "give greater visibility to the indigenous languages ​​recognized by the institutions, for example, I come from Patagonia and I am aware that there is many more languages ​​than those known for some reason, they stopped talking, but some terms remain in Patagonian Spanish ".


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