They presented images with the projection of what was the dinosaur found in Bucket of Laws – Diario La Provincia SJ


Sanjuanina paleontology returns to the front page of the world with a discovery that changes the known history of giant dinosaurs. Bucket of Laws, produced a novelty that shakes the science that studies the beings who inhabited the distant past of the Earth. A fossil found in this locality of the Caucete Department has shown that giant dinosaurs appeared almost 30 million years before what is supposed.

Before this discovery, gigantism was supposed to have appeared during the Jurbadic period, 180 million years ago. There are millions of years ago, but Ingentia prima lived at the end of Trisico, between 210 and 205 million years ago, says Cecilia Apaldetti, lead author of the study published in the journal NATURE Ecology & Evolution.

Dr. Cecilia Apaldetti is a researcher at the Institute and Museum of Natural Sciences (IMCN) of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Physical and Natural Sciences of the National University of San Juan and CONICET. the study of the new species that ends up being baptized Ingentia prima. The name Ingentia (giant in Latin) refers to its colossal size, while premium means first, which indicates that it is the first giant known to date on the planet, said Dr. Ricardo Martnez, also a researcher IMCN and co-author of Publication.

The authors of the research estimate that Ingentia had a body mbad of about 10 tons, about the weight of 2 or 3 elephants. It's a real giant, especially for this moment of evolution where most animals that coexist do not exceed two meters in height and the largest reaches, at most, three tons, noted Apaldetti. And he adds: That's why we see in Ingenua prima the origin of gigantism, the first steps for that, more than 100 million years later, 70-tonne saurpods , like Argentinosaurus or Patagotitan, from southern Argentina, are born

The incredible size that Ingentia was able to achieve is demonstrated by the discovery that 15 years ago, the museum's researchers Ischigualasto have made the remains of a colossal Lessemsaurus that are part of this research. As a result of this work, we found that Lessemsaurus, Ingentia and another species from South Africa are part of a new family of dinosaurs we call Lessemsauridae that was characterized by the same kind of explosive growth. , says Martnez


This new family had two particular characteristics that could have favored its gigantism. One is the aviana-type breathing and the other is a particular form of seo growth that has become a revelation in itself (see a special type of growth).

Regarding the type of breathing, the director of IMCN, Dr. Oscar Alcober, pointed out that Ingentia had pneumatic cavities in his bones, which indicates the presence of highly developed bags, a system very effective respiratory current birds, and that, therefore, lightened their weight.

Breathing with airbags allows vertebrates to have oxygenated reserve air, which, in the particular case of Ingentia, could have promoted heat loss and to lighten their weight, traits that have probably contributed to this species has grown in size.

With the discovery of Ingentia prima, it is clear that the gigantism and the various evolutionary models related to the large size, appeared during the first phase of the emergence of dinosaurs, it is to say in the Trisico period. , in the Jursico.

Source: UNSJ Magazine

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