They presented the first picture of a black hole, one of the greatest mysteries of the universe – Telam


They present the first picture of a black hole, one of the greatest mysteries of the universe

Scientists at the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) presented the first image of a black hole, one of the greatest mysteries of the Universe of which so far only indirect evidence was available.

We do not know what is behind the hole, what goes on does not come out anymore"

Geoffrey Crew, one of the scientists who participated in the test

One of the observatories involved in the project is the Chilean Alma, located in the Atacama Desert, and described as "the most modern and sensitive in the world".

In Córdoba, where is held the eighth international conference of the group of relativity and gravitation (GRG) of the Faculty of Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics and Computer Science (FaMAF) of the National University , the scientists agreed that this photograph shows enabling elements confirm with "high precision" theory of gravitational waves and relativity of Albert Einstein.

The conclusion of this work is that the black hole "is consistent with a high precision black hole of Einstein 's theory," said Luis Lehner, of the Perimeter Institute of Canada, at the same time. a conference held in the Plaza Cielo Tierra area of ​​Córdoba, where we could see the transmission of the announcement made in Brussels.


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