They published the ranking of the most popular dishes in South America: What place do Argentinian classics occupy? | the Chronicle


The South American gastronomy covers all kinds of foods and recipes. Each of its regions is a world of flavors manifested through ancient ingredients and indigenous dishes that represent the best of its culinary culture.

The gastronomic site Atlas of Tastes reviewed over 10,000 foods and drinks from around the world to find the most popular in every corner and Argentina it was among the favorites voted by users.

Of South America the classification highlights the dishes of Brazil, Venezuela and Peru, with its taste ceviche leading the podium, and Argentina. The gastronomy of our country predominates in the list of 100 best meals of the region with 5 foods that are national pride.

Puesto 10: Picanha (Brazil)

This cut of beef is particularly popular and appreciated in Brazil. The picanha is located on the back of the animal and is mainly used for barbecuing: the meat is first grilled and then cut into a skewer in the right way so that it does not become tough. In Brazil, every churrasco has picanha, and all the best “churrascarias” include picanha on their menus.

“The breaded it’s a humble yet delicious meal consisting of a premium breaded slice of beef that is fried in hot oil and rolled up as it cooks. “, they explain in TasteAtlas and add: “because the chosen cuts of meat have less fat and sinews than other cuts”.

Argentinian favorite, the Milanese, was among the TOP 10 most popular foods in South America.

The Argentinian DNA dish shares many similarities with Austrian Viennese schnitzel and American fried chicken fillet. However, the Milanese has his roots in Italy, and the original dish dates back to the city of Milan already famous Milanese schnitzel .

Post 8: Arepa (Venezuela)

The arepa It is a very versatile cornbread made from ground corn masa or precooked cornmeal. It is commonly consumed in Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. In Venezuela, arepa is consumed at any time of the day and throughout the country.

It’s usually filled with a variety of toppings and the combinations are endless, from beans, cheese and avocado to grated beef and onions. For a Venezuelan breakfast, arepas are traditionally accompanied by a cup of strong coffee and hot chocolate.

Position 7: Dulce de leche (Argentina)

“The caramel sauce it is made by heating sweetened cow’s milk until it caramelizes and reaches a thick consistency, sufficient to serve as a spread, as a filling in cakes, desserts or as an ice cream coating, ”they say. they on the specialized site.

The survey highlighted the flavor of Argentinian dulce de leche compared to other sweets in the region.

Puesto 6: Feijoada (Brazil)

Complete feijoada or feijoada is Brazil’s national dish, a hearty stew with pork and black beans. The dish is eaten all over the country, and each family has their own special recipe. Sauteed vegetables, cheese rolls, rice and fresh orange slices are served as an accompaniment to the smoked pork and rich tasting black beans.

Traditionally, it is prepared for lunch on Saturday, so that consumers can sleep. The beans are flavored with onions, tomatoes, cilantro and garlic, while the pork can be enriched with cured meat and smoked pork sausages.

Position 5: Parrilla (Argentina)

“Parrilla is an Argentinian word with two meanings: it can be used to describe a typical Argentinian steakhouse or it can refer to a wire grill used to prepare meat,” they explain in TasteAtlas.

The variety of cuts that are eaten on the grill reached the 5th position in the ranking which highlighted the 100 Best South American Foods.

“Considered an example of Argentinian gastronomy and culture, roast is more than just a meal. In Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and several other South American countries, it is a culinary and social event in which friends and family participate to share the pleasure of cooking outdoors. “, they specify on the site specializing in gastronomy, and in turn specify: “This Argentine tradition (and other South American nations) differs from the grill because in the first only the meats are cooked and in the second you can also add accessories such as vegetables”.

Post 3: Alfajor (Argentina)

This candy filled with dulce de leche or milk jam – describes TasteAtlas – sandwiched between two sweet cookies is covered with a layer of chocolate or dusted with powdered sugar.

Position 2: Churrasco (Brazil)

“Churrasco is a Brazilian barbecue method where juicy pieces, slices, steaks and chops of beef, veal, lamb, pork and chicken are placed on large skewers and grilled over a wood fire”explains the site.

In restaurants, called steakhouses, the kebabs parade in the restaurant and the waiters go around the tables to present the succulent meat to the hungry diners. Once customers have chosen their preferred type of meat, it is cut from the skewers to the plates in the dining room.

Position 1: Ceviche (Peru)

The traditional Peruvian ceviche has taken the most coveted place on the list.

Ceviche is the National dish del Perú which consists of slices of raw fish or shellfish seasoned with salt, onions and peppers, then marinated in lemon juice. Due to the acidity of lime juice, the texture of the fish changes, as does its color, from pink to white.

The sour marinade, also known as Tiger milk (lit. leche de tigre) “cooks” the meat without any heat involved in the process. Peruvians are used to fresh ingredients, so the fish is sometimes prepared for the ceviche within an hour of being caught.


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