They punish for malpractice the nurse who took care of Stephen Hawking


A nurse who took care of the British physicist Stephen Hawking, who died in March 2018, was sanctioned by the body's controlling body that forbade him to practice on Tuesday because of the gaps in his attention on the scientist.

Patricia Dowdy, 61, "did not meet the standards of quality and professionalism the attention we expect and that the professor Hawking deserved, "said the Council of Nurses and Midwives (Council of Nurses and Midwives – NMC) in a statement posted on their website. can not already practice as a nurse"

Patricia Dowdy, who dealt with Stephen Hawking during fifteen, has been suspended since March 2016. "Mrs. Dowdy was the subject of a several accusations of professional misconduct, regarding the attention he gave to Professor Stephen Hawking, "said the NMC.

The nurse has been accused of "financial abuse, dishonesty, failure to provide due attention, not having cooperated with the CNS and not having the required qualifications ".

According to Mail OnLine, the scientist's family informed the CNM of his concerns about Mrs. Dowdy's attitude, which led to the opening of an investigation. "We recognize the family's concerns," said one of the CNG's directors, Matthew McClelland.

Nurse Patricia Dowdy stopped working for scientist Stephen Hawking two years before her death, when she was informed (Photo: AFP / 2017).
Nurse Patricia Dowdy stopped working for scientist Stephen Hawking two years before her death, when she was informed (Photo: AFP / 2017).

Charged with Charcot's Disease (ELA), diagnosed in 1964, Stephen Hawking spent most of his life in a wheelchair, almost completely paralyzed and unable to speak except with the help of a voice synthesizer .

But despite this handicap, this professor from the University of Cambridge dedicated his life to the study of the universe until becoming a first clbad scientific figure.


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