They put a turtle who gained weight during quarantine on a diet | the Chronicle


19-year-old turtle surprised aquarium workers in England with the sheer number of pounds she gained during quarantine. The organization has designed a specific weight control program to help improve the health of the animal.

It is Cammy, who must follow a strict nutritional plan in his aquarium in Manchester, England. As it happened, the turtle gained weight during the months the facilities were closed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

They detailed that the turtle’s fat had visibly accumulated on its neck and back. Now, to improve your health, you will need to follow a strict diet and start exercising.

They have indicated that their nutritional plan will be to eat 550 grams of cauliflower, sprouts and broccoli and 110 grams of lettuce per day. For her part, the personal training plan is based on using strategically placed blocks, ice and toys with her favorite beans hidden inside to force her to move more.

In addition, ErnieThe turtle’s companion will eat his food out of Cammy’s reach to prevent Cammy from stealing his food. “Cammy has always been known to have a healthy appetite. However, during her forties, she developed a few extra fat rollers,” admitted the chief curator of the aquarium, Brendan Malone.

Images of Cammy, the turtle who gained weight in quarantine


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