They put fire trucks that entered Venezuela with humanitarian aid | Chronic


The first three trucks that left Colombia to transport humanitarian aid cargo to Ureña, in the state of Táchira, Venezuela, were burned by the Bolivarian National Police (PNB). "The usurper regime violated the Geneva Protocol by destroying humanitarian aid", denounced Juan Guaidó in your account Twitter.

A journalist from the Caracas newspaper The National He testified that he verified that the vehicles driving the caravan, with its load of medical supplies and food, were completely cremated.

Meanwhile, Guiadó demonstrated through his networks: "The usurper regime is using the vilest acts and trying to burn the truck with humanitarian aid in Ureña.Our brave volunteers create a chain of safeguarding food and medicine.The humanitarian avalanche is unstoppable "

The usurper regime uses the most cruel acts and tries to burn the truck with the humanitarian aid that is located in Ureña.

Our brave volunteers are creating a chain to protect food and medicine.

The humanitarian avalanche is unstoppable

– Juan Guaidó (@jguaido)
February 23, 2019

He added"We continue to receive the support of the international community, which has seen with its own eyes how the usurper regime is violating the Geneva Protocol, where it is clearly stated that the destruction of humanitarian aid is a crime against humanity. 39; humanity. "

We continue to receive the support of the international community, which has seen with its own eyes how the usurper regime is violating the Geneva Protocol, where it is clearly stated that the destruction of humanitarian aid is a crime against humanity. ;humanity.

– Juan Guaidó (@jguaido)
February 23, 2019

PNB agents prevented the entry of trucks and people into the town of Tachiren with tear gas and pellets, which left at least six people injured.

The first attempts at humanitarian aid to the Venezuelan populations of Colombia and Brazil have been unsuccessful since Saturday morning by the security forces who responded to the call. Nicolás Maduro.

L & # 39; agency EFE He reported that the agents threw tear gas at noon to disperse the protesters accompanying the trucks with the help of the Tienditas and Simón Bolívar bridges, two lines of communication with Colombia.


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