They quote Stornelli and the prosecutor prepares a tough response


The prosecutor Carlos Stornelli must make a statement of inquiry on Wednesday in connection with the investigation for alleged illegal espionage that he trades in Dolores, but his presence is not confirmed. "An eternity is missing for Wednesday", reacted to PROFILE in the environment of the prosecutor, who said that in the coming days, there could be news and that the defense of Stornelli had prepared "a very hard write "to hand over to federal judge Alejo Ramos Padilla. first hour of Monday.
This Wednesday is the second quotation from Stornelli who, on March 7, did not appear before Ramos Padilla, whom his defense challenged and asked him to stop participating in the case. The magistrate rejected the challenge and went to the National Congress, where he gave details of the case that would involve a complex and extensive international network of illegal espionage.
By the way, yesterday refused to declare false lawyer Marcelo D'Alessio, called to expand his investigation. Detained for a month, D'Alessio is accused of extortion and unlawful spying after being denounced by agricultural producer Pedro Etchebest. It is the latter who has designated him as someone who has come forward as an intermediary of Stornelli to ask for bribes in exchange for not appearing in the notebooks of jars of wine.
After the start of the investigation, Ramos Padilla raided D'Alessio's property in Canning. The material as well as the wiretaps and other detected elements opened the investigation to the alleged network that the magistrate reported on Wednesday.
Yesterday, at the beginning of his new investigation, D & # 39; Alessio listened, by press conference call, how they extended the imputation made against him in the middle of last month. "He is informed in particular that, as part of the criminal organization of which he was a member, he carried out various activities of investigation and criminal investigation, intelligence and espionage without power. to conduct public functions upon appointment of the competent authority., which has been conducted in parallel with formal investigations in judicial cases ", is recorded in the judicial presentation which was agreed by PROFILE.
In addition, they added that "it is reported that the Federal Intelligence Agency, the Ministry of Security of the Nation and yesterday the US Embbady have reported that & # 39; They had no type of working relationship with these people ". organizations. "

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