“They ran out of ‘the pig’ to buy votes”: Jesús Zambrano attacked AMLO and its popular consultation


Jesús Zambrano said the results of the popular consultation showed Mexicans were not fooled by “pranks in the fight against corruption” (Photos: Presidencia de México // Cuartoscuro)
Jesús Zambrano said the results of the popular consultation showed Mexicans were not fooled by “pranks in the fight against corruption” (Photos: Presidencia de México // Cuartoscuro)

The national leader of the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), Jesús Zambrano Grijalva, said that the results of the popular consultation demonstrated that Mexicans were not fooled by “practical jokes in the fight against corruption ”, in addition to the party of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the Movimiento Regeneración Nacional (Brunette), He ran out of “the piglet” to buy the votes.

In a statement, the national leader of the PRD said that “what we saw yesterday with the results of the consultation shows that 93% of voters turned their backs on this simulation, because the law is applied, it is not consulted ”.

Zambrano Grijalva felt that the 528 million pesos that “this unnecessary exercise” cost could have been used to buy medicine for children with cancer or to “respond to the demands that are emerging in the health sector in the face of this new wave of Covid-19”.

Zambrano assured that the low participation in the consultation showed that more than 10 million votes for Morena in the June 6 elections had been pressured and forced by organized crime (REUTERS / José Luis González)
Zambrano assured that the low participation in the consultation showed that more than 10 million votes for Morena in the June 6 elections had been pressured and forced by organized crime (REUTERS / José Luis González)

In addition, he ensured that the the low participation in the consultation showed that more than 10 million votes for brunette in the June 6 elections they have been pushed and forced by organized crime.

He recalled that the Federal President was the one who violated the electoral law by unconstitutionally promoting consultation; and he blamed Morena for the zero participation, because, he condemned, “they did not mobilize people at the polls because they already had no more ‘pig'”.

“President, it is your responsibility and your party to They did not mobilize people to the polls because they were already short of “little pig” which they used on June 6th. to buy votes, and the criminal groups were no longer operating this time, ”he said.

The PRD member recognized the work of the National Electoral Institute (INE) for the promotion and organization of citizen consultation (Photo ULISE RUIZ / AFP)
The PRD member recognized the work of the National Electoral Institute (INE) for the promotion and organization of citizen consultation (Photo ULISE RUIZ / AFP)

And he added: “The people do not want fraud in the fight against corruption or in the strict application of the law, wants facts, health, education, jobs, security, unrestricted respect for freedom of expression, rights and democracy”.

On the other hand, the PRD recognized the work of National Electoral Institute (OTHER) for the promotion and organization of citizen consultation; However, he stressed that Morena’s supporters disqualified and blamed the institution for the low number of people at the reception tables, denouncing the lack of broadcasting and special boxes: “But as López Obrador is never wrong, the low turnout was the fault of the INE, the media or the conservatives.‘”.

“Despite this, the electorate fully discharged its constitutional responsibility. Even with a budget cut from the federal government, managed to organize both the biggest elections in Mexican history and this consultation in the same year, for which he deserves all our recognition and support, ”he stressed.


“Buying votes and helping organized crime”: the reasons for Morena’s success, according to the PRD
“Another very costly whim of the president”: the PRD called on not to vote at the People’s Consultation
“Designed to fail”: Denisse Dresser criticized the popular consultation and its low participation

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