They raped a 13-year-old girl, she became pregnant and they suspect her father


She was 13 years old yesterday and is seven months pregnant. The new victim of abuse comes from the province of Córdoba and was admitted to the hospital of Misericordia. The case opened an investigation that in the last hours had the first detainee: his father.

The daughter came to the guard next to her mother with severe abdominal pain but, after reviewing it, the doctors determined that it was in the 32nd week of pregnancy and also had a urinary tract infection that was treated at the time.

"In the hospital is contained by the entire mental health team social worker and pediatricians Clinically, she and the baby are without pathologies," he said [19459007ElDoce Fernando Ulloque, director of the medical center.

The case was continued and the Children's Secretariat intervened the Adolescence and Family and Public Prosecutor Alicia Chirino who, from the testimonies and evidence that arose in the Case, ordered to arrest the biological father of the girl, accused of badual abuse aggravated by the link. 196 59002] "In what is legally registered in Cordova, this young woman can not have an abortion ," said the doctor. The accused was transferred to Bouwer Prison.

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