They raped a young woman, "the five collided" and kissed to celebrate | Chronic


Two Italian students raped a girl in a nightclub in London's Soho district. Afterwards, they clashed and kissed to celebrate what they had done.

In February 2017, Ferdinando Orlando and Lorenzo CostanzoThey met her victim at the West End club, approached her and, after realizing that she was drunk, they started to kiss her and have her taken to a maintenance room where they mistreated her.

Just 15 minutes later, a local security camera captured the moment when the subjects left the room, placed her dress well and helped her to go to the women's bathroom.

The suspects left the scene, saw the videos they had recorded with their mobile phone and left the scene.

The victim needed help to be transferred to a nearby hospital because of the intense pain and internal injuries caused by his attackers.

According to the doctor who treated her, she lost about 230 milliliters of blood and had to run it urgently. As the professional says, I had never seen a "exceptionally serious injury".

The two attackers returned to Italy after the attack and took refuge with their families, but Costanzo returned to watch a football match and was arrested at the airport. After learning of the situation, Orlando went to the UK and was also arrested.

During the trial in which they were found guilty, they stated that the young woman was aware of her actions and that sex had been granted, but the prosecutor's office rejected each of her proposals.

Orlando, an international law student, and Costanzo, a master's student in business administration and administration, are awaiting conviction for the four counts of rape.


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