They recorded Trump when he asked to pay a model


The tape was found in the workshop of a former president's lawyer and is in the hands of the FBI. Wanted to silence an affair with the woman, who posed for Playboy

  Trump was registered when he asked to pay a model

Trump was cornered by another case / AFP – Karen McDougal, the former Playboy model / AFP


The President of the United States, Donald Trump, was recorded without his knowledge in 2016 during a discussion about payments to a former Playboy model with whom he allegedly had an affair, and the tape ended up in the hands of the FBI. The New York Times.

The record was found in the workshop of the attorney Michael Cohen, who at the time was one of Trump 's lawyers and is now doing the same. subject of investigation to determine if he has violated the legislation on the financing of political parties.

This research focuses on the affairs of Cohen's law firm and also on its role in the intermediation of payments to women to buy its silence on alleged relationships with Trump. Before the start of the campaign for the presidential election of 2016.


Trump's current lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, confirmed to the newspaper the veracity of the recordings but badured that the payment to model Karen McDougal ever

Karen McDougal, ex-model of the magazine Playboy, says that she had an affair with Trump that began in 2006 shortly after the birth of the last son of the current president. According to Giuliani, the tape in question lasts less than two minutes and "nothing in this conversation suggests that he (Trump) knew about" the case. "

These recordings would have been probably in April of this year but the announcement of their existence he met weeks after an interview in which Cohen suggested that he could give up his allegiance to Trump to save himself."

"I want to be very clear: my wife, my daughter, my son, and my country are ALLANAMIENTO

FBI agents searched Cohen's offices in April on Order of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, who is investigating whether the Trump campaign committee acted in complicity with Russian officials to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. [19659006] In 2016, McDougal sold his story to the National Enquirer tabloid for about $ 150,000. Ares, but the newspaper decided not to publish it.

Finally, in April of this year, the model managed to get rid of the contractual commitment after filing a complaint against the company that publishes the tabloid. The firm provided him with incomplete information to convince her to sign the contract and argued that Cohen had intervened in the negotiation inappropriately. (AFP, EFE and AP)


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