They recovered the helmet of the Malvinas veteran | Chronic


The helmet that saved his life Jorge "Beto" AltieriA Malvinist soldier badly wounded in the head during the battle of Monte Longdon was on sale on Ebay, one of the largest online stores in the world. The publication entitled "Helmet of an Argentine soldier of the Battle of Monte Longdon ", was accompanied by images in which one could see the object pierced by shards of a mortar shot.

In turn, in the clarifications added that the soldier had survived and that his price was 13,500 pounds sterling. Altieri tried to recover by all means his helmet, presenting a voluminous offer during a previous auction. However, the current owner – an English collector – has tripled his offer and kept the object.

Now, it was confirmed that after several attempts and that the story had become viral, the helmet had been found and was already going to Argentina to reconnect with its owner, who had thanked all who had helped to recover the object.

"The auction was suspended 15 minutes before the end, an anonymous benefactor has made this possible, the soldier already knows and is very worried, this helmet saved his life"says the reporter Alicia Panero, from Infobae, who made history public.

When asked about the recovery operation of the object, Panero said: "Many people have participated, they have worked with people from the embbady of Argentina and England." "The helmets are sold, there are even Falklandian medals, but they do not. They did not have this value.When I spoke with the seller – an English collector – he told me that he had had this price because the soldier was alive and that he was not the only one. he had the bullet impacts.Today, an Argentine sailor hat is sold 100 euros ", clarified

His history Jorge "Beto" Altieri He belonged to the Regiment of Mechanized Infantry "Coronel Conde" of La Plata and had fought in the Battle of Monte Longdon. The veteran, born in Banfield in 1962, said: "At Monte Longdon, we were attacked by a battalion of about 500 English and we were 60".

This was one of the bloodiest battles of the Falklands War. Altieri also said that his battle was going on: "One time, I had the opportunity to speak with the English soldier Vincent Bradley who fought us, he asked me when I surrendered and said:" I did not neither made nor taken prisoner, my war continues, because I was taken out of the Falklands before the surrender, so I am still fighting. ".

The helmet, punctured by shards of a mortar bullet, saved his life at Altieri, but the projectile left him with sequels. "I lost tissue on the left side of my brain that contains the conduction circuits of the arm, leg, and floor." I also lost my left eye.I have a prosthesis now ", told the ex-conscript, who concluded: "I still remember how cold the blood that flowed from my head was on my face, because in the cold of the islands everything froze immediately."


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