They refused to release the Iranians who entered Argentina with fake passports


Sajjad Samiel Naseran and Mashoreh Sabzali, Iranians who tried to enter Argentina with fake pbadports, will remain in detention after prosecutor Jorge Di Lello decided to deny them release.

As you may have known From judicial source, Di Lello felt that the two countries "have no roots" in Argentina and that there is a danger of flight. Judge Luis Rodriguez must define the situation of both.

"We still have no certainty about their identity and they could possibly escape," they told Comodoro Py media.

The fake pbadports with which they tried to enter Argentina. Credits: Tel.
The fake pbadports with which they tried to enter Argentina. Credits: Tel.

The Iranians pbaded the immigration checks with fake pbadports and, in the government, they understood that it was a "human error", although trying to determine if there could be a complicity of immigration agents.

On Monday, a statement was made about the man, while this Tuesday continues with the woman. The explanation they gave about why they came in with fake pbadports did not convince and, in fairness, they understood that they could have it. be. professional counterfeiters. Although still hovering the possible link with terrorism.

The Iranians were transferred to Comodoro Py to testify in court. Credits: Tel.
The Iranians were transferred to Comodoro Py to testify in court. Credits: Tel.

A discovery caught the attention of researchers: on the computer of one of the Iranians, many images were found, including several virgins.

Product of this security hole, the shift leader migration, Adolfo Naldini, was abolished, as well as two other employees who sealed the newcomers' pbadports.


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