They release the exchange rate after 16 years and in a context of severe shortage of foreign exchange – Telam


The Venezuelan government Chavez announced that it would release the exchange rate, which it controls since 2003, in the context of a currency shortage crisis that has caused a rise in the parallel dollar price and aroused the skepticism of economists and businessmen about the new measure.

The resolution, published on the BCV website After it was revealed on Monday by several media, it dates from last Thursday, but has not yet been published in the Official Journal. We did not know when it would come into force.

"At this moment, the dollar is quoted in Cucuta to 7,000 bolivars, poorly launched the new system of exchange," said this noon anti-fascist MP and economist Jose Guerra on his Twitter account. The official dollar price was 5,206 bolivars, according to the website Dólar Today.

# 7may. At present, the dollar is quoted in Ccuta in the amount of 7,000 Bs. Badly broke the new trading system

– Jose Guerra (@JoseAGuerra) May 7, 2019


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