They released Carolina Pochetti, widow of Muñoz


February 22, 2019
– 15:02

This was arranged by Federal Judge Claudio Bonadio, after he declared himself repentant in the case of bribery notebooks

Carolina Pochetti, the widow of former presidential secretary Daniel Muñoz, was released Friday by Federal Judge Claudio Bonadio, after declare repentant in the cause of the bribe notebooks.

Pochetti had been treated by the magistrate, with seizure of badets, for money laundering, from the cause of the notebooks, informed judicial sources.

The sources added that the judge He also ordered the release of Carlos Gellert, Pochetti's cousin and badumed intermediary purchase of properties for millions of dollars in New York and Miami, which were subsequently sold and funds obtained for bank accounts in other countries.


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Gellert, supposed partner of the late private secretary of the late President Néstor Kirchner, detained for three months, asked to be considered "accused contributor"When he declared in mid-January and as a widow, he provided detailed information on these real estate and banking transactions for about $ 70,000,000.

Pochetti was arrested a month earlier, in October 2018, at the request of Stornelli and Rívolo, following the statements of other repentantes, which was judged two weeks ago by the alleged launderer of billionaires.


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