They released the man who helped his wife die in Spain: "I'm calm because she's stopped suffering"


The Spanish justice decided to leave in freedom without bail Ángel Hernández, Madrid, 69, arrested Wednesday after helping his wife, who suffers from multiple sclerosis, to commit suicide in the terminal phase. The man told the newspaper The country who feels "very touched, but also happy and happy or satisfied because she has stopped suffering".

Before the judges, Hernández acknowledged that he had provided his wife María José Carrasco with a glbad containing a substance – sodium pentobarbital – at the origin of his death.

"I said everything I did for my wife and now I'm touched." Assuming her death, officials and police sympathized with me, they behaved very well and they were agree with me, they told me expressly, "Hernández said. the departure of the yard Thursday night.

Back home, the man said that he wanted to start the duel. Being "in a cabin a few meters, hours and hours without being able to cry my wife, was pretty strong," Hernandez told the media.

"My wife has always asked and in the last four months she has consistently asked me to do it." When we decided, my wife told me: & # 39;Euthanasia will not come to meit is for others, "he added, in statements collected by Europa Press.

According to the man, they had bought the substance on the Internet for a long time, but they were slow to give it to them, as they hoped that the law on euthanasia promoted by the Socialist Party would be approved. However, the measure was blocked by conservatives Partido Popular and Ciudadanos.

Hernandez added that his wife, who was secretary of the court, "also feared what could happen to him to help him die."

For this reason, they decided to film both the moment she asks him to help her commit suicide "as soon as possible" and the moment she administers the product that killed her. In the video, we see how the man brings the glbad with a sorbet to Carrasco to end his life.

"You see all the suffering of my wife in the last three months, so that people see the need for euthanasia," said the man about the images.

"She wanted to do it, she could not do it and I lent her my hands," Hernández said.

"I am calm because my wife has stopped suffering"He claimed and asked that" euthanasia be approved for the suffering endured by many people ".

"Euthanasia, like abortion, requires no one to do it, to regulate it and to the people who need it, to apply it," he said. he declared. The country.


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