They released the rudder and propellers of the stranded ship …


Rescue teams managed to free the rudder and propellers of Ever Given, the ship stranded since last Tuesday in the Suez Canal, reported this Sunday one of the companies operating in the pass. The maritime route management authority has indicated that continue to dredge the earth to free the hull. Egyptian authorities again attempted to refloat the large Panamanian-flagged container ship to allow the transit of the more than 300 queued ships, although attempts failed despite the full moon and high tide. The Suez Canal carries around ten percent of international maritime trade, and every day of foreclosure results in significant delays and costs for the industry.

The ship was surrounded on Sunday by tugs. Its silhouette, about 60 meters high, dominated the fields and palm trees of the west bank. The area is heavily guarded by canal security personnel, but also by the army and police. Two new dredges, currently in the Red Sea, are on their way: the Italian Carlo Magno and the Dutch Alp Guard, according to maritime traffic surveillance sites. And two more Egyptian tugs are due to be launched, according to the Suez Canal Authority (SCA).

On the night of Saturday to Sunday, another attempt to refloat the vessel failed taking advantage of the high tide, but “this morning it was reported that the rudder and propellers had been released.“, indicated on its website the maritime services company Gulf Agency Company (GAC), based in Dubai and operating on the chain. However, the GAC assured that “The bow of the ship is still sunk on the bank of the canal” and that there was “a slight lateral movement”.

For its part, the SCA issued a statement in which it made no reference to these advances and said that, according to its boss Osama Rabie, 27 thousand cubic meters of sand had already been dredged from the part of the shore where the bow of the ship ran aground, reaching a depth of 18 meters. According to Rabie 12 tugs take part in the attempts to refloat the ship, a gigantic container 400 meters long and a loading capacity of 224 thousand tons.

during Ships continue to pile up at both entrances to the canal, both in the Red Sea and in the Mediterranean, pending the release and, although some ships have already diverted their routes to bypass Africa, according to the agencies of Lefh, Sunday morning there were already 327. The SCA had assured Friday that by then the work of unlocking of Ever Given they had advanced 87%, although on Saturday at a press conference Rabie admitted that he could not estimate when this passage through which 10 percent of world trade and 25 percent of freight containers would pass would be released..

The Maersk shipping company, the main one that operates in the Suez Canal, pointed out that, Once the passage is cleared, it will take between three and six days to unravel the big traffic jam that has occurred on this route, which is the shortest sea route between Asia and Europe..

The Jordanian port of Aqaba, on the Red Sea, has prepared an emergency plan for the arrival of many ships. “The Commission has increased the state of alert in the port of Aqaba to ensure maritime safety in the event of the refloating of the vessel which is currently blocking the Suez Canal,” said the director general of this body, General Mohammad Salman. .

He detailed that currently there are at least 13 ships, which carry all kinds of goods, livestock and chemicals, whose final destination is Aqaba. The Syrian oil ministry said in a statement that the blockade delayed an oil tanker bound for the Arab country and claimed that se “is currently rationalizing the distribution of petroleum derivatives to ensure their availability” given the probable delay in supplies.

Eleven cargo ships with cattle that left Romania are also stranded. The NGO Animals International maintains that the 130,000 animals on board are in danger. The newspaper Al Ahram reported that the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture sent three veterinary teams to examine them.

According to a report by insurance company Allianz released on Friday, Each day of inactivity could cost global trade between six and ten billion dollars. While waiting for the resumption of traffic, large shipping companies like Maersk or the French CMA CGM have decided to hijack their ships and go around the Cape of Good Hope, a detour of nine thousand kilometers and at least seven additional days of navigation. .

Although the incident was initially attributed to strong winds combined with a sandstorm, weather conditions would not have been the only reason for the incident. That’s what SCA chief Admiral Rabie said on Saturday. “Other errors, human or technical, could also have come into play”he said at a Suez press conference.

Much of the Persian Gulf oil passes through the Suez Canal to Europe and other Mediterranean countries, and to a lesser extent to the United States and other parts of the world. It is also the gateway to Europe for many products from Asia, such as electronic and automotive components.


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