They remove 30 kg of cocaine in a bagayo that started in Oran


July 10, 2018 – 00:00
The shipment was found at Monte Quemado, in Santiago del Estero. I had already bypbaded several controls.

A bus belonging to a shopping tour of Buenos Aires was arrested in Monte Quemado, Santiago del Estero, for a routine check of the National Gendarmerie, and among the packages of clothes and shoes, 30 kilos of cocaine of maximum purity, the gendarmerie managed to find 30 kilos of cocaine through the work of trained dogs and feigners (people who detect lies, nervousness or inconsistencies in routine interviews)

It was hidden among the goods which were transported to the collective. For this crime, a woman of Bolivian nationality was arrested.

Federal force personnel intercepted the shopping tour in which they were carrying illegal goods and examined the documents of the imported goods when they realized that 28 bricks of cocaine

A woman badumed the responsibility for the cargo and was at the disposal of the Federal Justice.

Senior sources linked to the cause have trusted that the proceedings took place on Sunday morning as part of a checkout operation mounted by the Monte Quemado section of the squadron of the Santiago del Estero security force .

According to sources, the gendarmerie troops were stationed on Highway 16 at kilometer 453, when they saw that a long-distance bus approached, so they asked the driver to To stop walking.

The driver was He interrupted and questioned about his origin, he explained that they had left the province of Salta, especially the department of Oran, and that they had for destination the province of Buenos Aires.

When they checked inside with the permission of Federal Judge Guillermo Molinari, the gendarmes proceeded to requisition each of the parcels and in three of them they discovered at the same time. inside, hidden between blankets and padded, 28 packets perfectly packaged red

The narcotest test was quickly performed and it was determined that it was cocaine, whose total weight exceeded 29300 kilograms.

As responsible for these three packages where the drug was found. the drug was identified a woman of Bolivian origin, who had no personal documents in his possession.

Judge Guillermo Molinari ordered that the alien be transferred to the gendarmerie facilities in that city and that she remain detained until her transfer tomorrow to the Federal Court to make a statement d & # 39; investigation.

At the same time, she ordered that the media be arbitrated for it to be properly identified. It turned out that it would be a person illegally entered the country

Apparently, the drug would have been charged somewhere else between the origin of the trip and the place where the cargo was found. The sources hoped that the investigation would be thorough to establish who was the owner of this cargo and who was the consignee.


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