They removed her and released her because they did not like the scar from her cesarean section.


"Your fingers are very small, we will cut them to send them to your family," said the young woman on the occasion.

"They lifted my blouse by the front and they saw my abdomen. They noticed my caesarean section scar, then one of them said: this way it does not work anymore and they let me go.", the girl told.

Before getting her out of the car, the dark-skinned, sturdy body and short-haired man grabbed his belongings with all the identifications and threatened him.

"We have all your information, do not go with the police or we will hurt your family," she learned before being released in the streets, which she did not know. not.

The victim walked a little until she saw a patrol from the Public Security Secretariat (SSC). The uniform then took her to the public prosecutor where she could file a complaint and tell what had happened.

The young woman stated that the events had unfolded around 17:00 and that the subject who had subjected her had dark skin, a small mouth and a tattoo on her neck, but had refused to extend her statement because "I was very scared"

According to the newspaper L & # 39; universal, the Attorney General of Mexico City (PGJCDMX) has indicated that the characteristics of this man coincide with those described by at least three other women, because they believe that it is the same aggressor of the victims badaulted Miguel Angel from Quevedo, University City and Medical Center.

Maria Guadalupe is one of the victims of the abduction attempts reported by several women in the Mexico City metro.

This modus operandi has been called on social networks as "calm down my love"because the aggressors shoot, beat, submit and claim to have a relationship with the victims in order to deprive them of their freedom.


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