They report the sighting of animals that we thought were extinct 80 years ago


According to a report from Tasmania's Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, the lastThe sighting was reported last February when a couple went to the island of Tasmania and said they saw the animal cross a street.

Beyond the expectations of survival, the Tasmanian tiger was declared extinct more than 80 years ago. The last specimen died in captivity at the Hobart Zoo in 1936: he called himself Benjamin.

The animal "turned and looked at the vehicle several times and was in sight for 12 to 15 seconds," says the report published by The Independent. As stated, both members of the couple "are 100% sure that the animal that they saw was a thylacine".

The same month, someone else described seeing "a striped cat-like creature" moving in the fog in the distance. "I have never met an animal similar to what I saw in Tasmania that day," the witness told CNN.

Another observation took place in 2017, when a driver said he saw something "cat" but "very big".

Originally from Tasmania and the Australian mainland, he was the only member of the Thylacinidae family to have survived until modern times, according to the Australian Museum. They were killed by European settlers in the 19th century because the specimens attacked the cattle.


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