They restore the sarcophagus of Tutankhamun | Chronic


The sarcophagus of Tutankhamun has been restored for the first time since its discovery by the British archaeologist in his grave Howard Carter, in 1922, to exhibit in the galleries dedicated to Pharaoh in the new Egyptian Grand Museum.

The start of the restoration process comes a few days after the transfer of the sarcophagus from the Valley of Kings to the monumental city of Luxor, southern Egypt, at the Egyptian Grand Museum of Giza, which is scheduled to open later this year. next to the pyramids.

In a statement, the Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Egyptian Antiquities, Mostafa WaziriHe said that "It's the first time that he's undergoing a restoration" since the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun, which had not been looted and which kept all the treasures of Pharaoh who reigned between 1332 and 1323 BC.

The wooden tomb of Tutankhamun

The sarcophagus will be exhibited later as part of the collection of what is called "pharaoh child", because he ascended very early on the throne, with the other gold coins that are currently in the Egyptian museum in downtown Cairo.

The director general of archaeological affairs of the place, To Tayeb AbásHe explained that said sarcophagi would be transferred to the Egyptian Grand Museum shortly before its inauguration and that they would be exhibited for the first time in a single exhibition.

For his part, the director general of the preliminary restoration of the great Egyptian museum, Eisa Zidan, said cleaning, restoration and maintenance of the coffin will last about eight months, because "He suffered several damage such as cracks in gold plaster sheets and a general weakness in the gold layers".

The Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities stressed that the transfer of the coffin took place under strict security measures and under the supervision of the restorers and archaeologists, with the collaboration of the tourism police.

The Tutankhamun collection is one of the most valuable and attracts more visitors to Egypt. She will have her own space in the new museum, where you can see Pharaoh's famous brightly colored mask, sandals and jewelry, as well as her golden throne.

The first tomb of Tutankhamun discovered in 1922.


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