They reveal a video that shows the car bomb entering the military base in Cúcuta, where it exploded hours later


In the afternoon of Tuesday, June 16, a car bomb exploded in the Thirtieth Army Brigade in Cúcuta (Norte de Santander) and left 36 injured, including two US servicemen who were at the base providing advice.

This Wednesday, video from a security camera was revealed that recorded the entry of the vehicle loaded with explosives and revealed the lack of security protocols in the battalion. The recording marks 12:32 in the afternoon when a white truck approaches the entrance of the brigade. A lone soldier walks up and talks to the driver, then walks to the back, checks the trunk of the vehicle without too much detail and allows him to enter.

This is a 2017 Toyota Fortuner whose driver was parked until 2:45 p.m. and left the military base. At 3:01 p.m. the bomb exploded after locating the vehicle near the support structure of the Public Prosecutor’s Office and at 3:04 p.m. it explodes again.

This is the video:

According to the Attorney General of the Nation, Francisco Barbosa, more than 2,000 meters of detonating cord have been found, “Technical studies are underway to determine the type of explosive and the amount used”. The investigation found the owner of the truck who was in Cúcuta and claimed to have sold the car and negotiated it between May 29 and June 4 for 120 million pesos in two installments: one on May 29 for 20 million and the other on June 4 for 100 million.

Barbosa directly named the ELN responsible, this is the most relevant hypothesis he has dealt with so far, however, he mentioned that Other officials such as the Second Marquetalia or the dissidents of the 33rd Farc front are not excluded.

For his part, General Luis Fernando Navarro, general commander of the military forces, said that the main hypothesis on those responsible is directed towards the urban war front of Eln, “whose leader is alias’ Julián ‘or’ El Rolo ‘, that he receives direct orders from the terrorist alias “Antonio García”, member of the central command of the ELN.

He added that the President of the Republic, Iván Duque and Minister Molano, have given four lines of work. The first is to cooperate fully with the Office of the Prosecutor to advance the investigation; the second is to start a disciplinary investigation who will be in charge of the 30th army brigade; the third is to take administrative measures in addition to relieve guard services, operations officers, and battalion commander and second in command from their positions.

Fourth, improve and strengthen preventive intelligence, counter-intelligence for the protection of personnel and equipment, as well as measures for the entry of vehicles into military garrisons throughout the national territory.

Finally, Minister Diego Molano again insisted that this was an attack by the ELN and that the act would not go unpunished and announced a reward of 500 million pesos for anyone providing assistance. information making it possible to find those responsible for the events. “The members of the central command would also have a responsibility (…) they are terrorists and cannot continue to pass themselves off as peace managers abroad while they commit terrorist acts against our soldiers and Colombians, ”Molano said.


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