They reveal an unusual way to save the Amazon via an app | Chronic


Since the fire of the Amazon rainforest, an internet search engine, similar to Google or Firefox, which derives its profits from the trees in the regions where they are needed. The name of this tool is Ecosia and, as it appears on the main page of the site, it already contains more than 65,000 planted trees.

Ecosia, headquartered in Berlin, was established in 2009 but has recently been recommended by hundreds of users after a great concern over the great fire that hit one of the lungs of the planet. As they explained, the company generates revenue with ads that appear in search results and allocates 80% of profits to reforestation projects.

The tool, which works with Google Bing, aimed to plant more than a billion trees worldwide before 2025 and reached its peak this week after millions of Internet users surveyed the site. social networks how they could help or help put out the fire.

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To use it, you must type directly into the top search bar and enter Another option is to define it as a specific search engine. In addition, cell phones have the option to download the mobile application.

By accessing the page, users will find an account that will allow them to observe the number of times this search tool has been used, which is equivalent to the number of trees planted by the program.

In addition, they explain: "You do a search on the Internet, we plant trees.Escosia is like any other search engine, but with one big difference: our benefits are meant for planting trees."


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