They reveal Boris Johnson called it “unnecessary fucking” …


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson called his Minister of Health a “pointless fuck” in a WhatsApp message he sent to his former adviser, Dominic Cummings. In addition, Johnson is said to have considered “getting rid of Hancock” and replacing Michael Gove, number two on Downing Street. This was revealed by Cummings himself in a new attack on the UK government’s health management.

Cummings, controversial mastermind of the 2016 Brexit campaign and until November a very influential advisor to Johnson, He declared war on his former boss a few months ago. In a marathon parliamentary appearance in late May, he called Johnson “unfit” but he attacks in particular the head of the Health portfolio, Matt Hancock, whom he accuses of having “lied” on several occasions and which he considered should have been “dismissed”.

Hancock has always denied the claims, and Cummings has since been criticized for failing to provide evidence for his claims. For its part, a UK government spokesperson noted Johnson had “complete confidence” in the minister and will continue to work “very closely” with him. The health ministry called the accusations “false” and said the government “has always been honest” with the public.

In a conversation allegedly with the British Prime Minister via WhatsApp, Cummings pointed to increased ability to test for covid-19 in the United States criticizing Hancock for saying he was “skeptical” of meeting the target set by the UK health portfolio. To this comment, Johnson reportedly replied: “Total fucking useless”.

On your Twitter account, Cummings said the capture represents “proof of the coronavirus disaster” and added that “as the prime minister himself said, The management of Hancock on tests, acquisition, personal protective equipment, retirement homes, etc. It was fucking useless and its version in front of the deputies, a fictionContinuing in the same vein, Cummings said that “to have such a Secretary of State in a key role is a guaranteed disaster” and noted that “It is urgent for public safety that they expel him” from the wallet.

The former official also posted messages on Twitter in which Johnson apparently describes the poor performance of Hancock’s department. In a chat posted by the ex-advisor, they both talk about difficulties getting ventilators for covid-19 patients. “It’s Hancock. He was incompetent.”, replies the British Prime Minister, according to the BBC.

In another communication, this time of April 27, the Prime Minister seems to qualify the situation around protective equipment for medical personnel as a “disaster” and suggests diverting some of the responsibilities of managing the pandemic British government ‘number two’ Michael Gove. “I can’t think of anything other than taking out Hancock and putting Gove on,” Johnson reportedly said.

Consulted on this subject Johnson spokesman Max Blain declined to respond to “every allegation” on Wednesday and reiterated his full confidence in Hancock. “The Prime Minister has worked closely with the Minister of Health and will continue to do so,” he said. The journalists approached the minister himself in his official car to ask him if he thought he had been “useless”. “I don’t think so,” he replied..

Cummings, one of the officials who knew how to be a protagonist of the British government when he was appointed Chief Advisor to the Conservative leader in July 2019, He left after a strong confrontation with his now former boss. At the end of May, he appeared before a parliamentary committee and accused Johnson and his former government colleagues of running a disastrous administration during the first months of the pandemic.

In this case, Cummings lashed out at Hancock, accusing him of “lying” about various aspects of handling the pandemic in the UK, including how he handled outbreaks in nursing homes. The former adviser also criticized the government for not having a plan to protect the population from the pandemic and called the lack of data to assess the threat of the coronavirus an “absolute disaster”. In addition, I hold him responsible for the “unnecessary” deaths of thousands of infected people.

Some voices suggest that the abundant evidence released by Cummings cannot yet be taken as compelling evidence for its claims. Jeremy Chasse, who co-chairs the committee where Cummings and Hancock testified, said he was skeptical that documents released by Cummings would prove Hancock lied. Hunt he assured that the messages “show the prime minister’s total frustration, but they do not prove that no one lied”.


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