They reveal conversations with Moro's operation and prosecutors to put a prisoner in Lula


The scandal surrounding justice in Brazil and Latin America for an explosive note that reveals the framework and motivations of prosecutors and judges responsible for the Lava Jato operation in Brazil, stressing that the goal was to disable the presidential candidacy of Lula da Silva.

Reporter's report Glenn Greenwald, Acknowledged for reporting on Edward Snowden's revelations on American espionage, got the chatting many conversations through the Telegram app between prosecutors and judges this would lend credence to the theories of adherents of the former Brazilian president who accused the anti-corruption operation of being also motivated by political ideologies seeking to attack Lula's party, the PT.

Among the messages, there is for example a conversation between the chief prosecutor of the operation Lava Jato, Deltan Dallagnol, with another attorney where approved that the main objective was to prevent the return of the PT to power, and "they prayed" that this would not happen.

Filtered cats "It's more like a session in the war room between anti-PT agents and strategists than meetings of neutral persecutors"says the report.

It also shows how prosecutors have coordinated to counter-attack and reverse a decision of the Supreme Court This allowed a Brazilian newspaper to interview Lula in prison shortly before the elections: "The decision has no date, so we can plan it after the elections and we will respect it", the prosecutor suggested at the time Athayde Ribeiro Costa, among other strategies.

Other records by conversations they would show how the cause exjuez Sergio Moro, awarded the post of Brazil's Minister of Justice by Bolsonaro, secretly indicated strategies and advice to prosecutors who took the case, filtering further the new lines of investigation, which would violate the law. 39, the judge's obligation to be neutral and impartial

In the secret discussions, it would also be revealed that Dallagnol, the chief prosecutor of the case expressed his doubts about the two main tests that have condemned Lula.


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