They reveal how they killed the policeman in the Capitol: they hit him with a fire extinguisher on the head


FBI sources revealed to newspaper New York time What Brian Sicknick, the Capitol policeman who was brutally assaulted by supporters of President Donald Trump in the January 6 assault, was killed by the blows to the head with a fire extinguisher.

For this case, they are investigated 37 people who participated in the crowd who stormed the US Congress and clashed with security forces.

Sicknick, according to testimonies from other agents obtained by the FBI, was severely beaten throughout his body with a fire extinguisher in the halls of the legislative compound.

Tribute to Brian Sicknick on Capitol Hill.  (AP)

Tribute to Brian Sicknick on Capitol Hill. (AP)

The officer was with his companions to try to stop violent people moving through the premises, while lawmakers “hid in their desks and under their desks”.

Sicknick arrived at the hospital alive, but doctors couldn’t save him. There are still 14 injured officers, although all without danger to life.

In addition to the FBI, there are other agencies investigating what happened, including the Department of Justice and the National Security Agency.

A policeman flees from violent supporters of Donald Trum during the storming of the Capitol on January 6.  (AP)

A policeman flees from violent supporters of Donald Trum during the storming of the Capitol on January 6. (AP)

Justice Ministry prosecutors who instigated the investigation presented a court document in which they claim that the attackers had planned “capture and assassinate elected officials», Which shows the degree of violence reached.

With this indictment, carried by lawyers from the Ministry of Justice on Thursday evening, the ministry requests the arrest of Jacob Chansleand, from Arizona, QAnon’s conspiracy theories shaman who entered the Capitol with a naked torso and horns on his head.

“Strong evidence, including Chansley’s own words and actions on Capitol Hill, supports that the rioters intended to capture and assassinate elected officials of the United States government“said prosecutors.

Chansley, 33, left a note for Mike Pence on the Senate floor, where the Deputy Speaker had been minutes before, in which he read: “It’s only a matter of time, justice is coming”.

Five people were killed in the attack on the Capitol, including Sicknick.


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