They reveal that five hours of use of a cell phone increase the risk of obesity by 43%


New research reveals that the use of mobile phone or smartphone Five hours or more per day carries a 43% higher risk of obesity. This also has an impact on the increased risk of having other lifestyle habits that increase the risk of heart disease.

The report was presented to the Conference of Latin America organized by the American College of Cardiology, which is celebrated this year in Colombia.

"It is important for the general population to know and take into account the fact that, even though cell phone technology is undeniably attractive for its multiple purposes, its portability, its comfort, its access to countless services, information and recreation, it should also be used to improve healthy habits and behaviors, "recalls Mirary Mantilla-Morrón, specialist in pulmonary and vascular cardiac rehabilitation at Simón Bolívar University and lead author of the study.

"Spending too much time in front of smartphone it facilitates sedentary behaviors, reduces the time for physical activity, which increases the risk of premature death, diabetes, heart disease, various types of cancer, osteoarticular discomfort and musculoskeletal symptoms ", adds -t it.

The researchers badyzed 1,060 students of the Faculty of Health Sciences of Simón Bolívar University between June and December 2018. The study group was composed of 700 women and 360 men of average age, respectively, of 19 years and over. 20 years.

Men participating were 36.1% likely to have Overweight and 42.6% are obese. Women had a 63.9% chance of being overweight and 57.4% obese.

The researchers found that the risk of obesity increased by 43% if a phone was used five hours or more per day, with participating students being twice as likely to drink more. sugarmeal quick and goodies and have less physical activity. 26% of the overweight and 4.6% of the obese spent more than five hours using their device.

"The results of this study highlight one of the main causes of obesity, a risk factor for disease cardiovascular", Says Mantilla-Morrón. "We also determined that the time during which a person is exposed to the use of technologies, particularly the prolonged use of cell phones, is badociated with the development of obesity," he said. he concluded.


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